Home Gratitude A Million thanks to thousands of our customers-friends who have supported us all these 20 over years, through thick & thin. As we have braved many storms, the past few years of inflations, rising material and transport costs have cut deeply into our operation costs and we have to adjust all our prices […]
Home how to unwind diabetes type-2 Am curious how did anyone nice get Diabetes Type 2? Let’s call this creepy guy “D2”. Well I am writing this blog to share how we can find that key to unlock the door to sunshine, happiness and robust activities and be in the age of youthfulness without those […]
Home Declutter & Have Peace Of Mind 20 July Please raise your hands WHO LOVES TO WORK IN A CLEAN DESK?! And how many of us keep our house and office in perfect order? During the pandemic, no thanks to that Covid-19 virus, it kept me at home & thus began my frustrations in searching […]
Home Eczema & Allergies. We Have The Solutions Never before did I realise that there are so many kinds of allergies that the largest organ of our body, our skin, has to face with if our environment outside of us or within us is out of balance! For a few years I was living with […]
Home How I Defeated My Vaccination Fears I was not afraid of that tiny invisible virus but when time comes to get the ‘mimic’ virus into my bloodstream & wait to see how my body react to that ‘invader’ – that makes me jittery. Like any human I ‘Wait & Watch’ other people taking […]
Home Stay Home ‘MAY’ Specials Just For You Limited Time Offer of These Natural Aloe Vera Collection at www.bettalifestore.com Buy 8 aloe vera drinks – any combination will entitle you to FREE delivery worth $15 to any where in Singapore. Hurry before this offer runs out. Do my website Blog “How I Defeated My […]
Home Stay Home ‘MAY’ Specials Just For You Don’t Fret ‘Cos Bettalife will ensure you have your regular supply of goodness from our Aloe Vera Drinking Gel, Aloe Vera with Honey and Aloe Vera 20+ Booster! Place your order for any of our 6 unique Aloe Vera drinks TODAY & we will send these bottles […]
Home Why Bettalife’s Aloe Vera Drinking Gel Is So Effective For Allergies, Psoriasis & Eczema! What makes our Aloe Veras so unique is because ours are grown under special environment which pamper these high grade aloe vera plants to harness those amazing 200 over nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids & polysaccharides. These nutrients benefit mankind […]
Home Men-o-pause. Hot Flushes. Moody. Ageing Symptoms. You Can PAUSE That Ha2, you can ask me how I overcome that MENOPAUSE cos it was a condition that hit me some 40 years ago! I am that 1% of women who went into premature menopause before 40! Yes, I was young in my early 30’s but […]
Home Xmas 3 Day Only Offer 12.12 Exclusive 3-Day 12.12 Special: BUY 6 GET 1 FREE (1 Set)! Choose from our range of nutritional products: Pure Aloe Vera, Aloe Honey, Aloe Booster & Shark Cartilage. Offer ends 12 December 2020 at 11:59pm. Max 4 sets per customer. T&C apply. SMS 90265691 to order.
The only retailer in Singapore to sell this authentic organic aloe vera drink with unique formulation of over 200 powerful vitamins, minerals, enzymes & amino acids.